What is SO ST WO WT?
Previously from past decades we were using SWOT and SWOC Analysis for identifying potential risk and oppurtunities and their strengths and weakness in the market.
As increase in the competion, many researchers found that there is some lack of information to be take into note before making business decisions. So they decided to eloborate the existing practice of SWOT and SWOC Analysis as cross bordered matrix and increasing x4 probabilities.
Using SWOT or SWOC practices we obtain only four cases of company environment which feels some difficulties to predict business strategies, thus by using SO-ST-WO-WT we obtain about sixteen cases which are listed below;
- Strength based Oppurtunities
- Strength based Threats
- Weakness based Oppurtunites
- Weakness based Threats
- Oppurtunities based Strength
- Oppurtunities based Weakness
- Threats based Strength
- Threats based Weakness
- Strenght - +
- Weakness - +
- Oppurtunites - +
- Threats - +
- Strenght - -
- Weakness - -
- Oppurtunites - -
- Threats - -
(+): Denotes positive impact; (-): Denotes negative impact
Hence, it is advisable for business, scholars, students to prefer and use the SO-ST-WO-WT Analysis for their research and study and gain intensive information and probbilities and earn a competetive edge.
Thank You.
Manoj Sharvesh M.